Tuesday, November 1, 2011

1 Year

It has been a year. Sam got to go trick or treating last night. He's not sporting a bright orange cast today. He is the spider-man at the left side of the front row.

My Little Guy is doing well. The little blip that sent us to ACOR in early October was just that, a blip. His body spit out the irrating stitches and healed up nicely. He still fatigues quickly and about once a week he or a sibling comes to me and says his leg hurts because he tried to do something. When I ask where, he points an area near a known lesion.  Dr. Healy agrees with me that there will likely be other fractures. We play a balance game, keep Sam safe but still let him be the rambunctious boy he is. We have no doctor appointments scheduled until March. He will start physical therapy tomorrow.  Today I need to find a way to get him to eat something other than Halloween candy!  ;-) What a great problem to have!