I never did get back with pictures from Sam's birthday, sorry about that. Life is busy with 4 kids going all sorts of ways! Good busy!
I am here today because Sam had quite a headache last night. We were at the Dakota County Communications Center with his Cub Scout pack. He is loving Cub Scouts by the way! We were leaving the training room to a long hall way with windows where we could watch the call center in operation. Sam was at the front of the group with several boys who ran ahead to the lobby. Another parent went to bring them back. About 5 minutes later he told me his head hurt. I took him to the lobby and he laid in a chair for a few minutes. Then the rest of the group came out and one of the parents told me he had slipped with another kid on the highly polished floors. At bed time his head was hurting agin and upon questioning he told me it started when he fell. I asked him to sit up so I could get a better look at his eyes and he said no it hurt to much. At this point he was almost crying, so i just let him go to sleep. he seemed better this morning.
I had to look up when his last headache was and this was the first since the first week of August. I think there have been mabey two mild complaints of a passing headach but they did not slow him down. He does seem to have a bit more of the fatigue than he did during the summer.
Today we are going to HandiMedical for a fitting for a wheel chair.