ACOR is Gillette's acute orthopedic clinic. The last few days Sam has had increased pain and his limp is getting worse. Monday he was at his cub scout den meeting and did a lot of walking and trying to keep up with the boys. I had to get the stroller to get him back to the car. He asked for pain meds that night. Tuesday morning at school, he went to the nurse and asked for pain meds. I decided to call the triage nurse. We ended up cancelling his therapy eval appointment and instead scheduled an appointment for ACOR clinic. Long story short, he is spitting stitches and they are irritating his scars. No sign on infection now but we are to watch closely for that. They can't explain why his limp is worse. Xrays looked good for him, no obvious cracks or fractures. There could be a micro-fracture that is causing problems. We are to follow up with Dr Healy in a few days, whenever they can squeeze us in. We stopped at BK on the way home, so here he is showing off his stickers from the hospital and crown from BK.
It was hard watching him Monday night and he was in tears at bed time. Me too. I woke up Tuesday morning singing a song that my kids sing at church. As I put the kids on the bus I felt God was telling me that we need to go the distance with the fibrous dysplasia. The song was written by Justin and Jeri Austed at our church. They wrote it for the sports faith camp this past summer.
Go big, big, big!
Go long
Go deep, deep, deep!
Go the distance
You want to finish what you start
Hold to the faith that's in your
When things get tough, don't
See the goal and go for it.
No one can do it on their own
With God, we'll never be alone
No matter what we face
He will help us run this race
We'll fight the fight
We'll keep the faith
We're willing to change if that's God's way
He gives us strength to run the race
We'll go the distance
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