A year ago I was making dinner and Sam had found a cookie left over from after school snacks and was eating it while pacing in circles in the living room. There were pillows and cushions on the floor from a movie we were watching earlier and Sam tripped on one. I'll never for get his scream. Once in a while he screams kind of like that in play, just the start of it and it is just enough to give me that moment of panic before I realize it is only play. His right femur broke when he tripped. I could see a lump just below his hip and didn't think I could put him in the car, espically a car seat, and transport him to the hospital with any measure of comfort or safety so i called for an ambulance. It turns out that lump was the little bit of bone being pulled out to the side by the butt muscles. The ambulance driver recomended going to Regions since Sam was already a Gillette patient. Saved us a transfer. Sam was kept comfotable through the night and his leg was put in place (closed reduction) a spica cast was put on under general anesthia the next morning. It was his first surgery. the doctor could not get the bone to meet end to end. it was overlapping a little bit. That was a Saturday morning and he was kept comfortable over the weekend and I was showed how to care for him in a spica cast. Monday, the on call doctor meet with Dr. Healy who had seen Sam in March and they also called Dr Clohisy, bone tumor specialist at the U of MN and it was decided to operate and put a plate on his femur. they however were not sure exactly how to do it. Plates are not made for 4 year old bones. He also has another lesion further down on the femur that was slightly misshapen his bone. Medicene is as much art as it is science.
Well yesterday instead of going to the hospital in the evening, we grilled out and played in the hose. Earlier in the day we took a picnic lunch and went park hopping. At Charlies park, there were many army worms and he was fascinated with them as the picture shows.
We spent a week in the hospital. I'm sure there will be more posts about the week as I relive it over the week.
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