Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Ok this week has been busy and not as remembering as I thought it would be. First of all Sam had a wound check with the nuerosurgery nurse practioner on Monday and that went well. They say Sam is looking fantastic. His scar is healing well. We can use silicon bandages or maderna to helpprevent keloids from forming, also lots of sun screen. The puffy face, weight gain and frequent unrination should resolve itself as his body gets used to not having the decadron. Unfortunately he stil needs to keep his feet on the ground and no strenous activity until we see the doctor on July 5.

A year ago....Monday June 7, the doctors talked and decided to operate and put in a plate to fix the fracture and take a biopsy. The afternoon of June 9th was when they could do it. I remember the day before, we took a walk outside around the hospital. At one point I stopped and asked him if he wanted to keep walking or turn around and go back to the hospital. Sam's answer was walk home! I took him to a dog show that night, but he fell asleep during the show. Then he woke up and was awake so late. he was miserable the next day waiting for surgery because he could not eat. Finally fell asleep just before surgery.

Back to this year. Tomorrow marks an end of a stage in our family's life. Sam will finish preschool. We will be done with the Early Childhood Learning Center. Next will be Kindergarten.

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