So it is done, now the healing. Today started well. We left about a half hour before I wanted to just because Sam was ready to go! Turns out it was a good thing because the parking ramp was so full we ended up parking up on F had to take Region's elevator down to D go out and over to Gillett's entrance.
We finally got in, registered and over to imaging for a couple of x-rays of Sam's back. Then down to 3 for surgery. Signed a few forms. Waited a few minutes before being called back. This is our first surgery with Gilette's new surgical space opened. It is so nice!! There is more room to manuver strollers and wheel chairs around. There is also more privacy in the pre surgical and PACU spaces. It just looks more beautiful, calming and has cool interactive technology to play with!
Our friend Kay had even more problems parking and was a little late. She met up with us while we were in the pre surgurey area. We also met with the anesthia doctors. When discussing pain options I did nix the idea of caudal block. We just operated on Sam's brain 3 months ago and he had the chemical menegitis, I didn't want to mess with CNS at all. They knew all this too and were fine using other pain control methods. We also decided to try versed before surgery to see if it helps that last minute panic as Sam goes under.
Dr Healy, who did 3 or 4 surgeries today, came by too. he had to sign Sam's legs at all the points he was going to cut. Sam's back x-rays looked fine and at this point is just a wait and see if more pain develops kind of thing. Right now it is real minor pain, but with all the FD on the MRI and spondylothesis on another x-ray I wanted to check it. There is a small chance that removing the IM nails could cause a fracture. He would be doing an x ray to check after surgery is all done.
Finally everything was ready. Sam got his versed. We were taken to OR2. Sam was placed on the table. Orange lip gloss placed in his mask and slowly it was put on his face. He still didn't like the gas, but not as bad as last time. He was told to blow it away. Sam did put up a last minute stuggle. Trying to pull the mask away and squirm away in general, not real vigerous but still had to hold his hands down. He finally was out. I kissed him and was taken back to the pre surgical area.
Kay and I took our things up to Sam's room on what is now called Orthepedic/Surgical floor, formerly 4 west. We then went to the Ginko cafe to eat. When we were about done I got the first page. The plate was almost all out things were going well. We took my cooler back to Sam's room and headed back to the surgical waiting area on 3. Another kudos to gillette's remodel here. This waiting area is so spacious compared to the last one and filled with window's where there were none before. It makes such a difference to the emotional mind set of a waiting parent to have so much natural light!
Surgery was finally finished and Dr. Healy came out. Things went well, no mishaps. It was another half hour or so before they came to get me. I said good bye to Kay at this time. It was so good to have someone to wait with me and talk with. It turns out a neighbor of hers is someone I use to work with long time ago and we know a lot of the same people.
The nurses are real good at coming to get a parent and not letting on that thier child is upset. The nurse brings it up on the way back to the PACU, but very calmly. I get back there to find three people surrounding Sam's bed and he is crying in pain. The morphine was not working this time. After some discussion and calling in the anesthia doctor another medication was ordered and that helped take the pain off enough to let him be distracted with a movie. Finally calmed down he was able to get off of O2 so that we could go up to his room.
He was settled in his room and started on some sips of water. He quicly progressed to applesauce and pudding. This enabled him to get oral pain meds which are longer acting. And to Sam's delight also enabled him to get a dinner tray! He chose a turkey sandwhich.
Getting up to his room a settled also gave us time to skype home. Seeing his brother and sisters gave him such a big smile and really helped him. I think the others, or guys as Sam calls them collectivly, enjoyed it to. I know they called me several times though out the day asking when we could skype.
After dinner, the nurse and I got Sam into a wheelchair. We went down to the main clinic waiting area just as the dog show ended. Sam got to see all the dogs and collect a few more of thier cards. We then went to the new family room and played. he was thrilled to see an x-box! Though it was short lived compared to his normal like of video games. Played through a few more toys and I could see he was getting tired. I got some hot chocolate. The new family room comes with a nice kitchen area with a Flavia machine. After skyping home one more time and seeing Daddy, we settled in for the night.
Over all Sam is having more pain than I anticipated. It is controlled fairly well but I can see he is not himself. About 15 minutes before his bedtime dose of pain meds he was uncomfortable and wimpering with the pain coming back. The insicsion on his right leg also bled some. The nurse wasn't alarmed, just noted it and put an ice pack on it. That has never happened before. Mabey a little seeping but not lots of blood under the tagaderm.
It has been a long day and I need to get to bed. Sorry for the book. I will also proof it after we get home.
Oh two more things. On the way up to the room from the PACU the nurse shared with me that Sam had told her when he first woke up that this place was horrible! Amusing considering how excited he was to get here. This morning, I had one of those anxiety dreams...Sam was eating food when he was supposed to be NPO, I had to get Ella someplace else for a a procedure of some kind and it was via plane and we were going to be late. the airport had signs to the gates made with masking tape on the wall. All the while I was tending to Ella, i wasn't paying attention to Sam and he was not prepared to surgery. Anxiety dreams!
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