Yesterday (Wednesday 8/17) I was in quite a funk all day. I was anxious about surgery and the risk for fracture following and just where this disease is going to take us in the future in general. Also I had read the account of a friend's goddaughter, a preemie born 2 weeks ago at 25 weeks gestation, dieing. that brought up lots of emotions for me. Reading of the parent's and my friend's grief and remembering my own experience 11 years ago losing Zachariah at 21 weeks. I managed to get the kids to the park for a while and do a few things around the house. I also made it to church. The girls had an activity. Sam sat with me in the service. We had parked next to a vehicle with someone inside. We all got out at the same time and I realized it was Miss Deb and her husband. Miss Deb is an aid who was in Sam's public school special ed preschool program last year. I knew they went to our church but we had not been able to see much of each other over the summer. Talked a few minutes walking in to the church about kindergarten coming up, and the next day's surgery. Got into church and we went separate ways. When it came time to find a seat I let Sam pick where we would sit. He kind of zig-zaged back and forth and finally sat next to Miss Deb and her husband. After the service was over she asked if she could pray for Sam, he said yes and I was so.... awe struck, blown away, I don't know how to describe it... just comforted by her prayer, her wisdom, her love for Sam, and me too! She gave us each a big hug afterwords. We also met with someone from the prayer team. Just to be so covered in prayer. I don't know if I can count the number of people across the nation praying for us today. Then driving to the hospital this morning it really struck me Philippians 4 :6&7 is so real. The peace of God, which passes all understanding was with me today. Even talking with Dr. Healy about Sam's disease and long term outlook. There is no way to know what will happen but that's OK, God know and understands.
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