Here is Sam's scar 8 days post-op. The nuerosurgeon curved it in the hairline to make it left visible after it heals. There are disovlable sutures that make the skin a little irrated and pink as they dissolve. It has been a roller coaster of a week. Over all since coming home I have felt just spent. I'll try to get some house work sor something done, and then just collapse. I am so grateful to family and friends for prayers first and for most. I know Sam's exceptional recovery is due to the vast amount of prayers for him. 9 days post op and he is at school. There are kids that after this surgery are not even out of the hospital at this point. I am also thankful for the support we have gotten. Meals and food dropped off, (with paper plates!), have been so helpful. The many texts, phone calls, emails and other forms of encouragement and support have been priceless to me.
It was a weird feeling driving away from Sam's school this morning. I know he is well cared for and loved while there. It's only a half day program too. Sam has been with me or my husband 24/7 since the surgery. I come home and checked facebook as three friend's children have had brain surgeries since Sam and I have praying for them and wanted to see how they are doing. The first thing I saw was Josh Wilsons new video "Fall Apart". God is so good and gives us what we need when we need it. So many times over the last year I have fallen apart, and I don't know when it will end.