Well new day has brought about a new kid! Sam has been doing great today. His last dose of IV meds was about 4 am. Today he has been on oxycodone, tylenol and valium. Meds we can manage at home. Sam got up and played in the playroom for a while this morning. We had a visit from Becky and Courtney. They gave him a gift of moon sand a plastic frog and a clear bucket to play in. Well Sam took it all made an habitat for the frog! Even decorated it with stickers! After lunch we took a walk with a wagon and he fell asleep and has been sleeping for about 1.5 hours now. Physical Therepy should be here in a few min. I wonder if he will be waking up? The nuerosurgon nurse practioner was telling me yesterday it is really rare for a kid to go home on day 3, that we should plan on day 4 or 5. Today she said he just may be one of those rare kids that can go home on day 3! that means we may get out of here tomorrow.
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