Sam slept well until about 4:30 this morning when pain started to break through and vomiting started. Cleaned him up and settled him down with some drugs again and he slept until about 8. He is not interested in food this morning. About 9 we tried to start some Tylenol as he also had a mild fever and some apple juice with miralax. That didn't stay down. he asked for a Popsicle about an hour later and ate half of it. We just saw the neurosurgery nurse practitioner as the neurosurgeon is in surgery today. he will stop by later today. Over all she says Sam is doing great, just what they would expect. By their accounting he is on post surgical day 1 and will likely be here until Sunday (day 4) or Monday (day 5). We are to remain on clear liquids for a while. She wants to try and get him out of bed tonight or tomorrow. Given his existing gait problems from the femur fractures, PT is going to come by tomorrow and get a walker for him to use. Dizziness is common after chiari surgery. His incision looks good a little swollen but no sign of CSF (cerebral spinal fluid) leaking. If the vomiting and fever continues for another day or two a steroid will be used to help the swelling around the nervous system. It comes with other side effects and they want to make sure it is not just normal post anesthesia vomiting and ickyness before steroids are given.
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