Doctor feels that surgery went well and he was able to do everything he set out to do. It was a little shorter than the 3 hours. he took out a silver dollar size piece of skull and some of the first vertabrae. Opened the dura and put in a patch made from bovine tendon. it was almost an hour before they came to take us to see him in PACU. Sam had a massive headache when he came around. they gave him some morphine, valium and toradol. Then got dad and I. Sam woke a bit after we got to him and was still in pain so they gave him a bit more morphine. He fell back to sleep for a bit. when he woke up the next time he asked why his head doesn't hurt! this all happened in the PACU (post anesthia care unit). We are now settled in the PICU for the first night. he complained about the cathedar so that has been removed. he has also asked for toys. That is why he wanted to come to the hospital in the first place! He is also enjoying the cable tv. We don't have cable at home so this is a treat. he has a PICU doctor assigned to his care and the doctor is very pleased to see how much he is moving around. Said he is looking very good right now.
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