This afternoon Sam was moved off of PICU to the nueroscience wing, used to be 4 south. That unit is being remodled so Gillette is leasing the old 7 west from Regions and that is where we are now, room #7327. This is an old hospital wing, the first thing you think of when you step off the elevator is instatution. Gillette has done a little remodling of the area so it is not as bad as that first hallway, but still old. If the PICU is any indication, the new wing will be nice when it opens next month.
Sam fell asleep right after we got to the new room and slept for almost 3 hours. Slept so soundly he didn't wake up when his sisters and brother came to visit. He was in a much better spirits when he woke up. Ate a good meal and even created a new recipe with ketchup and tarter sauce! then we had a visit from Izzy a therapy dog. Sam got to feed him a frech fry! just before bed we got to skype with some good friends and that cheered Sam off so much to share jokes and show off his owie from surgery. It felt so good to see him sitting up and talking. Skype is a fantastic thing!!! Now we are settling down for the night PT will be here in the morning to help Sam get out of bed. He will use a walker to start with.
I'm glad to hear that he's doing well, Kelly. I"m thinking of you all.