Ok I'm not sure what happened there. I tried texting a few updates and they cam through as gibberish. One was around 3 about how sam enjoyed a red popsicle and I can't believe how relieved I am feeling now that surgery is over and He is doing so well. I pray that he continues to do so. the second was how i liked the way nursing is keeping on top of the pain. Whenever his heart rate of blood pressure goes up they are giving him something for pain or valium. The nurse has been able to use the lowest doses of medications and the only time he was really uncomfortable, in extream pain, was right after surgery in PACU.
Sam has been restless this afternoon. His hair was cleaned with something prior to surgery and it was left all matted on the back and sides of his head. It really bothered him and he kept picking at it. He would also mess with his incision. We got some K'nex and I made a car to keep him busy and give his hands something to fiddle with other than his hair.
Along with the bordom and restlessness was hunger. We started with popsicles, then had pudding, then icream, for dinner there was broth, orange jello, apple juice and more ice cream. after all that he was still insisting on a hotdog. We finally gave him one about 6:30. After dinner the nurse gave him something for nausea. now at 8, it is so far so good. Nothing has come back up.
Sam's face is starting to swell some. The nurse tells me it is the body's response to trauma. over all though the nurse said he is on the way to becoming the best chiari patient she has ever had. Dr. Healy, Sam's orthopaedist even stopped by to say hi today. Sam thinks he is the boss of all the doctors.
I can't believe it but I am missing my other kids. It is quiet here. My relief is giving way to exhaustion.
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